Pets can significantly reduce stress and anxiety through various physiological and psychological mechanisms. The companionship and interaction with pets have been shown to lower stress hormones, increase positive emotions, and provide a sense of security and routine.
Physiological Benefits
Reduction in Cortisol Levels: Petting a dog can lower the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This reduction helps in alleviating feelings of stress and anxiety.
Increase in Oxytocin Levels: Social interaction with pets boosts levels of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes feelings of relaxation, calmness, and closeness. Oxytocin is associated with many positive effects on the human body, including feeling relaxed, calm, experiencing greater closeness, and reduced stress.
Lower Blood Pressure: The reduction of cortisol and increase in oxytocin from interacting with pets can help keep blood pressure at bay. Studies have shown that interacting with a dog can lead to significantly lower blood pressure levels.
Regulation of Physiological Arousal: Pets help regulate negative emotions by stabilizing mood swings and increasing positive mood. Physical touch and petting, feelings of comfort and proximity, and the regulation of breathing contribute to de-escalating panic attacks and promoting relaxation.

Psychological Benefits
Companionship and Social Support: Pets offer companionship, unconditional love, and support, which are key factors in reducing stress and anxiety. A strong majority of pet owners consider their pets a part of their family, highlighting the close bond and emotional support pets provide.
Mindfulness and Distraction: Pets promote a sense of mindfulness by helping individuals focus on the present moment, acting as a distraction from worries and rumination. Their engaging behavior can divert attention away from negative thinking patterns and intrusive thoughts.
Sense of Safety and Security: Pets, especially dogs, can increase a sense of safety, which is particularly beneficial for managing anxiety and fear. The presence of a pet can alleviate feelings of fear and provide reassurance, especially when alone.
Routine and Structure: Pets, such as dogs, require regular walks and feeding schedules, which can help establish a routine and provide a sense of purpose. This routine can be particularly beneficial for managing stress and anxiety by providing structure to the day.
Mood Enhancement: Interacting with pets increases positive mood. Petting and stroking a pet increases oxytocin levels in the body, making one feel better.
Anxiety Reduction: Therapy dogs have been shown to reduce anxiety levels in university students. Interacting with a therapy dog was proven to lower anxiety and stress levels.
Impact on Mental Health
Overall Positive Impact: A large percentage of pet owners report that their pets have a positive impact on their mental health. Key benefits include reducing stress and anxiety, providing unconditional love and support, offering companionship, and providing a calming presence.
Specific Mental Health Conditions: Pets can play a significant role in managing symptoms of generalized anxiety, depression. Service dogs, for example, have been shown to significantly reduce symptoms in post-traumatic stress disorder patients, with many able to decrease their medications.
Suicide Prevention: Pets can play a role in suicide prevention by providing a sense of hope, focus, and motivation to “carry on”2. They offer a reason to live and provide an important source of attachment and protection, preventing harmful thoughts and actions.

Considerations for Pet Ownership
Worries and Stressors: Pet owners do worry about their pets aging or passing away, their health conditions, arrangements while traveling, and healthcare-related expenses. These concerns can be stressors for pet owners.
Alternatives to Ownership: For those who cannot own pets, volunteering with animals can provide similar benefits. Interacting with animals in shelters or therapy settings can offer a connection and reduce stress.
Loss of a Pet: Experiencing the loss of a pet can increase suicidal thoughts, so support is needed for individuals experiencing pet bereavement, such as developing effective coping mechanisms.
Pets offer numerous benefits for reducing stress and anxiety through both physiological and psychological mechanisms. They lower cortisol levels, increase oxytocin levels, provide companionship, promote mindfulness, and offer a sense of safety and routine. While pet ownership does come with its own set of worries and responsibilities, the positive impact on mental health is undeniable.